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The Most Experienced Real Estate Development Company on the South Shore

Unicorn is an experienced real estate development company that has worked throughout the South Shore to permit and build residential and commercial properties.

Residential Development

We specialize in developing lasting residential communities that bring people together. Our goal is to create communities we are proud to call our own, and that create enjoyable living environments for every one of our residents. We hold ourselves to the highest degrees of integrity and honesty, and for that reason, we have become known for our outstanding and long-lasting reputation in the residential real estate development community. As a full-service development service, we are sensitive to the environment and take a leadership role within our industry by ensuring that our communities are sustainable and protective of the local ecosystems.

1810 Washington Street in Hanover, MA

Commercial Development

Being involved with the real estate business for over 40 years has given us the experience we need to facilitate the development process. From permits and construction to management and leasing, Unicorn Realty in Norwell, Massachusetts can help you achieve your real estate goals. In fact, 75% of our properties were developed and built by our team. Our development division continues to be actively involved in a variety of real estate development and acquisition activities. If you have a residential, commercial, or industrial property that you want to buy or sell, contact Brian Murphy at 781-659-2255.


Unicorn has a full-service team that constructs residential and commercial buildings.

Leaders in Brokerage for Residential & Commercial Properties